Social Media Password Hacking

 Social Media Hacking

Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Gmail, Twitter Accounts Password Hacking.

Social Media Accounts Is a part of our life, nowaday every person have social accounts like Instagram Facebook, Gmail, WhatsApp etc.
There are many person have sharing there pravite infomation on Social Media Accounts like Banking Infomation, Pravite chat, Personal Photos videos.

They Should Not Share These Things on Social Media*

So, Hackers Try To Hack Their Social Media Accounts* 

I will Explain To Secure Scoial Accounts*

So guys, I am going to teach best method to hack social Media Accounts*


  1. Phishing Attacks
  2. Bruteforce Attacks
  3. Keylogger  
  4. Malware Attacks
  5. Social Engineering Attacks

These Method hackers use To Hack Password Mostly*

1. What Is Phishing Attacks? -: Hackers Try To Create Fake Login Page like original Social Media Login Page. then Hackers Send Fake Login Page To Target By email or other way. when target will Enter Id And Password, Hacker Will get Id and Password.

2. What Is Bruteforce Attacks? -:  bruteforce also called by password guessing techniques, in this techniques hackers try to find correct passoword using tool/script program to access target account.

3. What Is Keylogger? -: Keylogger  is a SPYWARE*, Keylooger caputer keyword from key board, what ever target will type in keyboard. Also It is Called by keystroke.

4. What Is Malware Attacks? -: Malware is a program to access target System, hackers build A software to damage target system or harm security. It's Also Called by VIRUS*, SPYWARE*, RANSOMWARE* etc.

5. What Is Social Engineering? -: Social Engineerning is art of human hacking, Hackers try to conviance to ask some pravite details like password* or bank infomation.

How To Secure Social Accounts Password? ⚠

:➡  Don't Share Your Password or pravite details to anyone*

:➡ Never Clicks And Enter Password In Any Link*

:➡ Don't Install Any Apk From Unknown Sources*

:➡   Don't Download & Install MOD Apk*

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