Bypass antivirus; Make Cypher Rat v5 Fud Apk

How To Bypass Antivirus; How To Make Cypher Rat Fud Apk

Hello Guys, Today We will learn How To make Cypher Rat Fud Apk, So Read and Learn.

We Know about antivirus, and it is a challange to crack for hacker, Really It is awesome task to bypass antivirus security, so today we will bypass easily and we will make a fud malware. we can make fud any malware, RATs payload or Botnet, and Here we will work on Latest Cypher Rat malware, and if you don't have Top 5 RATs then check out now.

Why We Shuold Make Fud

Suppose we want to hack someone android phone by malware and Victim have installed antivirus in phone, when we will send apk{Malware}  and victim will try to install apk so here antivirus will Show alert that it is malware and harmful apk. don't install apk, it will steal your sensitive data" they will Know it's a malware, they will never install apk, so need to make Fud Malware.

Let's Make Fud Apk

So We need Apk Editor Pro, Just Download From our Telegram Channel. and Follow Steps correctly.

"Select Cypher Rat Apk and Click on  Files"

"Click on smali and it will show smali classes"

"Add Another Apk Folder and File on Every Smali Classes"

"Then Open 'AndroidManifest.xml' and change package name and delect some unwanted permission"

"Save it and go back"

"And Click on Build"

"Then Again Open Apk Editor Pro Then Select Cypher Rat Apk and then Click on Comman Edit"

"Then Change Apk Icon and Name" 

"APK name was XP but here we have change into antbyp also we have change App icon with amazon logo" 

"Click on save" 

Okay, so we have done every steps perfectly, lets check it.

Watch Demo Video


Click Here To Learn To Make Fud Metasploit 

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