How To Hack Camera | Xploit Poison

 How Hackers Can SPY on GIRL; Camera Hacked

Disclaimber - Please Don't Hack Anyone using this Tool, This contents Has Provided only for education pupose, if you hack someone without permission Then Only you are responsible for your illgeal crime.

HEY, Nowaday hackers are spying on people via camera, they have affected many innocent people. This is really amazing technique to spy someone. Really It is very dangerious.  A lots of girl they has inffected from this attack. they have used Social Engineering to convance to hack camera, they are sending wishing link, online meeting link etc. so that people attrack on link. So Today we will discuss about Camera hacking. I Hope You will Enjoy It. and we will learn praticall.

covered In Contents

  • How Hackers Are SPYING on People?
  • How To Install Tool?
  • How To Hack Camera?
  • How To Safe From It?

  • How Hackers Are SPYING on People?

Hackers are targeting people via just a malicious link. they are sending malicious link to people. after executed link in victim's phone. the link capture the photos automatic and send to attacker's server. hackers are sending Link Via WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram Telegram etc.

  • How To Install Tool?

Camphish is used to hack camera, It is good tool for education purpose, just we will caputer photos to learn how this tool work. 

CamPhish Exploit Camera Silently In The Backgroud.

This Tool can work In

  • Kali Linux
  • Termux
  • MacOs
  • Ubuntu
  • Parrot Sec Os

Open Kali Linux and Run Terminal. 

Follow These Commands

apt-get -y install php openssh git wget

git clone

cd CamPhish


  • How To Hack Camera?

Choose Ngrok and Press "1" .

Choose Here that Which Type Link want to, Let's Choose "1" .

It will Create a link then send it to target.

You will get like this on terminal 

Photos will saved in Caphish Folder

  • How To Safe From It?

 To Keep Secure and safe from hacker, i will say in oneline that please never trust and never click on anylink

Learn Advanced Phishing Course

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