How To Install Seeker

 How To Install Seeker Tool In Termux

Seeker Installation and Location Tracking:

Seeker one of the Best GPS Location Tracking Tool.  Anyone can use it to track accurately Target's Location. So, Now We are Going To Install Seeker In Termux Without Root.  

We Will Get Accurate Location of Devices By Social Engineering, Like We Need To Play With Target Find, We Will Send a Url and Will Say To Click Here When Target Will Click on this link page will show  A POP to allow location after allowed, we will  get insatantly Correct Target Location.

What We will Get Using This Tool

  • Longitude 
  • Latitude 
  • Accuracy Altitude - Not always available 
  • Direction - Only available if user is moving 
  • Speed - Only available if user is moving 
  • Along with Location Information we also get Device Information without any permissions :
  •  Unique ID using Canvas Fingerprinting
  • Device Model - Not always available 
  • Operating System 
  • Platform 
  • Number of CPU Cores - Approximate Results 
  • Amount of RAM - Approximate Results 
  • Screen Resolution 
  • GPU information 
  • Browser Name and Version 
  • Public IP Address 
  • Local IP Address 
  • Local Port

Supported on These Operating System:

  • Termux
  • Kali Linux
  • BlackArch Linux
  • Ubuntu
  • Kali Nethunter
  • Parrot Os
  • OSX - Monterey v.12.0.1

Use These  Method  For Social Engineering

  1. NearYou 
  2. Google Drive
  3. WhatsApp
  4. Telegram Zoom
  5. Google reCAPTCHA 


Open Termux And Paste These Commands one bye one.

pkg update

pkg upgrade

pkg install git

pkg install wget

git clone

cd seeker

chmod +x



Okay Guys, We Have Installed Seeker Successful.

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