How To Hack WIFI

 How To Hack WIFI : Hacked Wifi Password

Hey, Today we will learn How to Hack wifi Network or how we can crack wifi password and we can penerate wifi network to secure. This is very cool and easy technique to access wifi password. just follow the steps and perform attacks. If your wifi network is not secure then hackers can hack wifi-network and access your all connected devices information. they can steal your sensitive information and spy on your system by MITM attacks. this contents is really useful for us.

Disclaimer-: This Content only for education purpose please don't hack any wifi network without owner's permission, we don't support any kind of illegal activities.

So we need some requirements to Penetrate wifi-network, so arrange these requirements and perform attacks to hack WiFi Password. 

    • Hardware - Laptop/Pc
    • Operating System - Kali LInux or Ubuntu 
    • Adpater - Wifi Adpater Supported 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz

So, Let's Install Wifi Hacking Tool In Kali Linux, we can use Kali linux or ubuntu.

We are going to install sparrow-wifi - Graphical WiFi Analyzer for Linux.

This Is awesome Tool for linux users because this is Graphical WiFi Hacking Tool. and Supported 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz.

Officals Guide sparrow-wifi - Graphical WiFi Analyzer for Linux.

Sparrow-wifi has been built from the ground up to be the next generation 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wifi spectral awareness tool. At its most basic it provides a more comprehensive GUI-based replacement for tools like inSSIDer and linssid that runs specifically on linux. In its most comprehensive use cases, sparrow-wifi integrates wifi, software-defined radio (hackrf), advanced bluetooth tools (traditional and Ubertooth), traditional GPS (via gpsd), and drone/rover GPS via mavlink in one solution.

Written entirely in Python3, Sparrow-wifi has been designed for the following scenarios:

  • Basic wifi SSID identification
  • Wifi source hunt - Switch from normal to hunt mode to get multiple samples per second and use the telemetry windows to track a wifi source
  • 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz spectrum view - Overlay spectrums from Ubertooth (2.4 GHz) or HackRF (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) in real time on top of the wifi spectrum (invaluable in poor connectivity troubleshooting when overlapping wifi doesn't seem to be the cause)
  • Bluetooth identification - LE advertisement listening with standard bluetooth, full promiscuous mode in LE and classic bluetooth with Ubertooth
  • Bluetooth source hunt - Track LE advertisement sources or iBeacons with the telemetry window
  • iBeacon advertisement - Advertise your own iBeacons
  • Remote operations - An agent is included that provides all of the GUI functionality via a remote agent the GUI can talk to.
  • Drone/Rover operations - The agent can be run on systems such as a Raspberry Pi and flown on a drone (its made several flights on a Solo 3DR), or attached to a rover in either GUI-controlled or autonomous scan/record modes.
  • The remote agent is JSON-based so it can be integrated with other applications
  • Import/Export - Ability to import and export to/from CSV and JSON for easy integration and revisiualization. You can also just run 'iw dev scan' and save it to a file and import that as well.
  • Produce Google maps when GPS coordinates are available for both discovered SSID's / bluetooth devices or to plot the wifi telemetry over time.
  • Integration with Elasticsearch to feed wireless and optionally bluetooth scan data into Elastic Common Schema compliant indices.

New Features

Falcon Plugin Released: This has been a private plugin for years, and is finally being released due to demand. It provides the following features in a new dialog from a "Falcon" main menu:

    • aircrack-ng integration which allows for the enumeration of hidden SSIDs
    • client station enumeration
    • client station probed SSID enumeration
    • client station connected access point and channel
    • deauthentication right-click capabilities (single and continuous, targeted and broadcast)
    • WEP IV captures
    • WPA password hash capture and hash capture detection
    • See the Falcon/aircrack section for details.

Elasticsearch Database Integration: An additional agent has been added that can feed wireless and bluetooth network scan results into an Elasticsearch database. See the Elasticsearch section for details.


sparrow-wifi uses python3, qt5, and qtchart for the UI. On a standard debian variant you will may already have python3 and qt5 installed. The only addition to run it is qtchart. The following commands should get you up and running with wifi on both Ubuntu and Kali linux.


  • The latest version of PyQtChart has been giving folks issues if you don't "sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip" first. If you get an error installing any of the modules, upgrade pip and try it again. They must be using something in the newest pip that breaks older versions.
  • On Ubuntu 20.04+ OR Kali 2020.3+ do not pip3 install pyqtchart, rather, use 'sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5.qtchart' (see below)
  • If after installing below you still get some qtchart errors, some folks have had luck with pip3 install pyqtchart==5.13.1

sudo apt-get install python3-pip gpsd gpsd-clients python3-tk python3-setuptools

sudo pip3 install QScintilla PyQtChart gps3 dronekit manuf python-dateutil numpy matplotlib

**for Ubuntu 20+ AND Kali 2020.3 or later**:

 sudo apt-get install python3-pip gpsd gpsd-clients python3-tk python3-setuptools python3-pyqt5.qtchart 

 sudo pip3 install QScintilla gps3 dronekit manuf python-dateutil numpy matplotlib 

**NOTE** If on Kali you get any mavlink errors, and you're not using drones, you can use dronekit out.

Some folks have been running sparrow with a python virtualenv, if you'd like to run it in an isolated python environment, the following sequence should get you up and running:

git clone

cd sparrow-wifi

virtualenv --python=python3 $HOME/sparrow

source $HOME/sparrow/bin/activate

pip3 install gps3 python-dateutil requests pyqt5 pyqtchart numpy matplotlib

sudo python3

Use This Mathod To Hack WiFi.

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